Tech 360 comes to Lockport Public Library!

August 22, 2022

Tech 360 is underway at Lockport Public Library thanks to funding from the Western New York Library Resource Council.

Meet our Digital Trainer, Elizabeth Warkentin. Most people know her as Liz. Liz is a Mission: ignite AmeriCorps member placed at Lockport Public Library as a trainer leading computer skills courses at the library. She’s been doing an excellent job this summer leading the Tech 360 program in the library and aiding over 20 of their patrons, with more and more joining every week.

“It’s been really rewarding for me,” said Liz, “It’s been great getting to know the community. People have been really receptive and eager to learn. This program with the library and the collaboration is really great.”

Tech 360 participants go through six hours of digital skills training. Those who complete the program receive a free computer! The devices are a crucial part of the program, ensuring that participants get to use their newfound skills after their training is complete.

“It’s a great confidence booster,” said Tech 360 participant Debra Hughes. “I learned new ways to use my computer.”

“I will be able to stay connected to the real world much better and more efficiently,” said Tech 360 participant Ollie McClain

Our Tech 360 program model provides our partners with digital trainers, computer skills curriculum, and devices to help build a comprehensive and well-rounded digital equity program.

We’re looking for more community organizations that are interested in hosting a Tech 360 program of their own. If your clients/patrons could use computer skills training and devices, contact our outreach personnel at

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