AmeriCorps Opportunities 

Join Our Team: Apply for AmeriCorps

Become an AmeriCorps member focusing on technology, education, or community service support for 3 -12 months. Members receive a living stipend and earn an education award based on number of hours served. Feel free to fill out our interest form here:
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Equipping students for IT and Education Jobs

Mission: Ignite’s internship and AmeriCorps programs equip students with foundational technical and employability skills needed to succeed in IT jobs and education jobs. These competitive, challenging, and highly valued positions play a vital role in Mission: Ignite’s organizational health and come with added benefits. All the roles below can be served in a volunteer or internship capacity for high school or college age students.

Why should I enroll in a Mission: Ignite internship?

Our technology, education, and community service roles are designed to provide a meaningful and skill building experience, providing a competitive edge on the job market. As an intern, you’ll receive:

  • Job skills training and professional feedback
  • Letters of reference for your job search
  • A free desktop computer or laptop
  • 20% discount at the Mission: Ignite store

Work-Based Learning Program

(for 15 – 17 year olds)

Our work-based learning program equips students with the basic technical and employment  skills needed to succeed in future careers. Jobs in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) are in high demand, and our program lays the foundation for future success. Learn how to fix computers from start to finish through our work-based learning program.


  • working papers
  • parental permission
  • application and interview

Buffalo Technology Internship Program

(for 17 years and up)

Learn how to fix computers from start to finish through this technology internship. Mission: Ignite’s internship program is an adult-focused workforce development pathway, equipping participants with skills for the future.


  • submit application
  • interview
  • background check

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