Donate your old computers

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Donate computers & electronics

Does your business have computers that are not in use? Consider donating them to Mission: Ignite! We will gladly accept donations to divert waste from landfills and put your used computers to use.

Mission: Ignite accepts devices 7 years old or newer, except in unique cases. We also don't accept CRTs and traditional tube TVs. Donations may be subject to review by Mission: Ignite staff. Please get in touch if you have specific questions about what electronics we can and cannot accept for large donations.

Tell us about how many computers you may have to donate (models, quantities, etc)
Are you able to drop off your computers to our location at 701 Seneca St., Buffalo, NY 14210?
If not, what is your address for pick up? Write "Same" in Address 1 if it is the same as your main address above.

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Old Electronics Disposal

We take data security seriously — that’s why everything that comes through our doors goes through a strict data destruction process. Your contribution is tax deductible.

We reuse as much technology as we can by giving it a new lease on life through one of our many community programs. These programs provide volunteers, nonprofits, and community change organizations with free or low-cost refurbished technology.

The Mission: Ignite Computer Store also makes computers and accessories available for the community at affordable prices. Items and components that can’t be reused or sold are recycled according to the highest ethical and environmental standards.

For free and convenient electronic waste recycling options, please visit the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation’s website at

Items must be dropped off at 701 Seneca St, Buffalo, NY 14210. Donations must be made Monday-Friday 8am-4pm.

For more information, contact (716) 823-7248 ext 500 or e-mail

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